
as martha stewart as i get

I learned how to decorate these cookies at a R.S. Super Saturday a few years ago, and I was asked to teach a class on it this month for our ward's R.S. How-To group. (I don't have many skills I can teach a How-to group how to; this is probably the only one.) Anyway, I had to take a picture to email with the invite, so I thought I'd share. This is another one of those skills that I've acquired that takes lots of time/work/energy but isn't always appreciated by its recipients (most of whom have been kids). But it's so darn fun!


FroggyWoman said...

Those are gorgeous Cookies, Jet!!

beckmarsh said...

Wow! I love beautiful bakery/pastry type stuff. Especially since I don't really have the patience for it. Lovely!